Saturday, October 9, 2010


So, like 1/3 of the people that watch my video logs are actually reading my blog, so I've decided to blog every other day instead of every day.  I may change my mind later but for now, well, there ya go.
   Yesterday was a great day!  I did a 40 minute workout that kicked my butt but I felt very accomplished about it. Okay, so technically it was a 44 minute workout but I kept up with at least 40 minutes of it.  Then I found a groovy cool recipe for pumpkin soup that I'm going to try ( and thank you to Dawn Sandomeno for putting it on her blog and for following me on Twitter!  Anyway, without further ado, here are the vlogs for the 16th and 17th.  I hope you enjoy!

That's the 16th... and then there came the 17th:

Oh wait... day 17, that's still today... ish.  I also had a friend over for dinner, but I'll do a special blog on that tomorrow or Sunday...
One thing that did occur to me, however, is this:  When you look at the food your child left on his or her plate and you contemplate eating it yourself so as not to let it go to waste, just remember, your body can only use so much fuel, anything after that point is going to waste... so it's either going to waste in the trash can or it's going to waste on your waist.
Anyway, have a great night and we'll talk to you tomorrow!

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