Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Absence... Explained

So, everyone wants to know where I've been the last few days.  Let me tell you, I have been off my game is where I've been.  A few days ago, I offered to return a dvd for my neighbor at a Redbox.  For those of you who don't know, Redbox is a DVD vendor that lies in Wal-Mart and McDonald's and a few other select markets where you can find them.  Well, the closest one to me is in a... McDonald's.  I didn't even think about it, I just walked in there to return the dvd and the next thing I knew, I was at the counter, ordering a McDouble and fries.  I didn't even realize I had done it until I was walking out with a small bag containing my items.  Then the craziest thing came over me and I sat in my car and wolfed both the burger and the fries like a kid who just stole a candy bar.  Then I drove home.
     I immediately went into a self loathing cycle of blame and beating myself up.  I contemplated throwing up the vile mess that was already making my tongue numb from the sodium content.  I felt guilty and I felt like I had let everyone down, including myself.  I didn't work out that day or the next and today marks day 3 without working out.  I feel like I've lost my mojo entirely and I feel terrible.  Not just emotionally, but physically I feel like crap.  I can feel myself losing my momentum and I feel like I am powerless to stop it.  I need help from my fellow challengers.  I need help to find my motivation again.  I don't want to lose it now.  I don't want to let myself or anyone else down.  This is me, calling out to you for motivation and encouragement.  Please help me to pull myself up from my bootstraps.

Here are the vlogs from the last couple of days:

and another one about frozen and prepackaged foods:

Take care everyone!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Training a halloween spook master...

So instead of my regular Leah Remini challenge blog today, I'm giving you a sneak peek into Ephiny's Halloween scare training.  Not sure how successful it's been thus far, but we're working on it... if only we could get past the giggling and remember the Boo, we'd be golden.  The funny thing is that she giggles uncontrollably even when we watch the videos.
Step one: learning the hide and jump out routine.
Step two: learn to say boo.
Step three: Put it all together.
Mix liberally with laughter and enjoy!
Ever teach your child something that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, is going to come back and bite you squarely in the butt at some point?  Sadly, this isn't even my first time but you know what? I hope I never learn!

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed making it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A special message to Gay Teens

This is a short blurb to tell you that no matter how crappy things are right now or how bad the bullying gets, IT WILL GET BETTER, I promise you!  Once you're out of High School, nobody cares if you're gay, straight, or bisexual.  Actually, a few people still will but they're the minority and THEY'RE  afraid to speak up in the real world.  Anyway, the point is, HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS!  It sucked when I was queer in high school and it's going to suck when my 2 year old finally makes it there.  It sucks because there are jerks in school now, there were jerks then and there will be jerks in the future.  Stand up and endure because it WILL GET SO MUCH BETTER after high school, it's like night and day.  So keep the faith and if you ever need to bend somebody's ear, I'm here and I'll listen.

IT GETS AWESOME! You will find someone and you will fall in love, you will have your heart broken and you will have friends hold you as you cry it out.  You will get disgustingly drunk and hit on somebody you are not attracted to.  Your friends won't let you go through with it.  Your best friend will tell you that you should.  Why?  Because it's funny and you will do the same thing to them one day.  You will have an amazing group of friends that love you and enemies that you all tear up behind their backs.  You will be the designated driver sometimes and the designated drunk at other times.  You will be the best dressed in your group sometimes and you will take fashion risks that sometimes don't work out.  You will never have to deal with stupid jocks again except to say, "I'd like fries with that" or "I think I want the leather seats and the sport package."  
Boys - Women will flock to you and will flatter you on a regular basis.  They will tell you that you are beautiful and perfect and will take you with them shopping.  They will ask for your opinion and will wait with bated breath until you give it to them.  Those yutzes that are bullying you now will be completely jealous of you later because you will have the power to tell the hotties NOT to date them and they will listen.
Girls - Men will be obsessed with you.  I'm so sorry.  It will be incredibly amusing though.  Women will be curious about you and will want you, even if they don't admit it to themselves.  You will find a girl that you will fall head over heels in love with and she will love you.  She will break your heart and you will fall in love again.  You will have a whole group of friends that "get" you.
We want you to be around for that.

So that you know I'm not talking out of my butt, here's my story (the truncated version):
You know, the funny thing is, when I said I would do this, I didn't think it would be this hard to talk about it. But I started writing and pretty soon I started really remembering. It REALLY sucked. The more I remembered, the less I wanted to write it out. So between last night and today, I've weatherized my whole apartment, fixed the hinges on all the doors and even watched Spongebob with my daughter, all to avoid doing this. But my word is my bond and when I tell somebody I'll do something, I do it... eventually. So here we go.

To say that I've been bullied in my lifetime, is to understate things just a little. I was bullied because I was overweight, I was picked on because I was smart, I was picked on because we were Jehovah's Witnesses and I was beat up for being queer. I've had my nose broken and my stomach stomped on, I've had My own father call me 'a slut and a whore that belonged on the street down by the river with the rest of the bums' after I'd been raped by a stranger in a park, I've been dragged across campus by my hair, I've been cut and had a smiley face branded on my thigh, I've been spit on and I've been burned by lit cigarette butts that were flicked at my back when I followed the advice I had been given by the school counselor to "Just kept walking and ignore them." There was even a girl that pretended to like me so that she could go to the school counselor and say that I harassed her in hopes that I would get kicked out of school for it. Luckily for me, one of her friends came forward and told the school counselor about the 'plan'. Those are just the worst of them. Countless name calling, tripping, attempts at tripping, singing derisive songs, one almost noteworthy swirly...

Some of that sounds kind of funny, but I still have scars from 'cutting' and from trying to slit my wrists when I thought I couldn't take it anymore. Thankfully, I didn't know you were supposed to cut them lengthwise. I even tried overdosing myself on painkillers and sleeping pills once. Thankfully, my stomach couldn't handle all the Vicodin I put in it and I vomited most of it up in my sleep. Truth be told, I was kinda pissed when I woke up the next day.

The funny thing is that the straw that broke the camel's back was one of the least violent of all of my experiences. A group of black girls (they thought they were a gang, but there were only four of them, so I didn't think it counted... I still don't) and their ringleader followed me around the dorm one weekend calling me "Dykey Wykey." Believe it or not, that was what it took for me to decide that I'd had enough. I spun around and got right up in the ringleader's face and said, "What's up 'Straighty Weighty'? You wanna go, let's go, 'cuz I'm sick of this crap."

I was scared to death but I was serious. At that point, I figured that I'd had my kicked all over campus so much that if I was going to get it kicked again, it was going to be on MY terms, for once. Now, I'm not condoning violence as a solution at all whatsoever and in fact I didn't actually end up having to fight her (and thank the Gods for it, 'cuz I'm not a fighter and I would have gotten my kicked all around the block) because all of her 'girls' started laughing their off and she took a step back, (I was literally right in her face, like nose to nose, I couldn't even focus on her) nodded her head and said, "You know what, little girl? You're all right." Then they left. It was like a miracle. Seriously.

I'm not saying she and I were all buddy buddy after that. We weren't, not by a long shot. But she did leave me alone and that, to me, was a miracle in and of itself.

The thing is, I came out at 17 when nobody was coming out as a teen. Like many other queers, once I figured out that I was a lesbian, I was all about telling EVERYBODY! All of a sudden the world made sense and I just didn't care who knew or what the consequences were. No, that's not accurate. I didn't think about whether or not there would be consequences. It never occurred to me until it was much too late, that people would hate on me or hurt me just because I like girls and when I did finally figure it out, it hit me really hard.

I wouldn't recommend doing a lot of the things that I did. I attempted suicide, I got in one of my bully's faces, I ran away from home... and if I hadn't had help, I wouldn't be here today. It's not like I survived on my own. But, I'm putting my story up here on this FB page for those who are bullied to read and maybe to reach out to somebody or let somebody reach out to them. Because it was somebody reaching out to me and not taking "no" or "go f*@# yourself" for an answer, that really saved my life and allowed my little Ninny to have a life.

If there's nobody in your town that you can go to or talk to, you see my page, my name and everything up here. I will happily listen and do what I can to help you. I know there's this whole "It gets better" campaign out there and you're probably sick of hearing it but it's true. I know it doesn't seem like it and for you, right now, it probably doesn't feel true. But it does get better. A whole lot better.

I'm putting this up here, not for me but for those people out there who may be going through something similar right now. I KNOW how much it sucks right now, I REALLY do. I've lived it. Maybe not the exact same thing that you're going through but similar and just as painful, so please believe me when I tell you,









Sunday, October 17, 2010


So yesterday, I did not do my cardio.  I know, I know.  In my defense, I was not feeling well and had been up with Ninny throwing up since 3:30 am.  When she finally went down for a nap, I had to use that time to do homework for my accelerated Human Sexuality class.  Why am I telling you all this?  Because I made a promise to be honest and forthcoming in these blogs and vlogs and I intend to keep that promise.  I was so swamped with work I didn't even have time to make a vlog, let alone upload one, post it, make it viral and answer questions.  Speaking of questions, somebody asked me again today if Leah knew about my blog and my vlog and my Challenge.  Of course she does.  I would not have done something like this without telling her and one of my earlier blogs addressed just that.  Leah has read the blog, she may or may not have seen the vlogs and I highly doubt that she keeps up with it at all but she does know about it.
So, I have a little gripe about my neighbor.  I love him but I think he's trying to sabotage my success because that little buggar keeps bringing me food that is nowhere near my diet.  Hell, it's not even in the same county as my diet.  He's a total sweetheart and I love him to pieces but I can't eat this stuff!  If anybody has any suggestions of what to do without hurting his feelings, please, I am all ears.
Today, Ninny and I worked out together, it was so cute, when I was doing the walking up and down on my hands move, she was all crouched in front of me with her head sideways, trying to see me under my hair and then she wanted to sit on me while I was doing my push ups.
I totally panicked today and asked my sister to come and take Ninny for a few hours because I thought I had three things due today and as it turned out not a one of them was actually due today.  One is due Tuesday, one Wednesday and one Saturday. I hate panicking for nothing.  The good news is that I got a lot of studying done and am almost a little bit ahead of the game now!  Almost.
Oh and one more thing!  I learned this weekend that if you are going to make pasta, don't make extra for the next day.  Make the next day's pasta the next day because trust and believe that if you're eating single serving portions and you have extra laying around ready to eat, it's not going to make it to the next day anyway.  Make one serving for just you or two servings if you have yourself and somebody else to cook for.  Don't even make extra for them.  They can eat one portion, just like you and if they don't like it, I'm sure they know where to find Taco Bell or maybe Burger King, so they can have it their way.
Anyway, have a good night and enjoy my vlog for today:

And as always, if you're reading/watching and keeping up, why aren't you doing your cardio as well?
Get Up, Get Motivated and JOIN US!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Oh my god.  So I mistakenly thought that Richard Simmons' workout video "Sweating to the Oldies" would be a cinch compared to the skinny girl workouts that I've been doing.  I don't think I've been this wrong since I was telling everyone while I was pregnant that my life wasn't going to change that much, I was just going to have another person to tote around with me... yeah, right.  You other moms know what I'm talking about.  Maybe not exactly but you know.  When you were pregnant with your first (or only) child, you had this sunshine view of how everything was going to be, minus the diapers of course, because you mistakenly thought that the diapers would be the biggest obstacle that you would have to overcome, right?  I seriously remember telling people, "Seriously, nothing's going to change.  I'm still going to be me, It'll be just like when I was a step parent, no big deal."  I seriously can't think of one thing in my life that hasn't changed.  Well, my name is the same I guess.
So anyway, I'm working out today and I get Ninny out of her crib and pull a muscle in my upper arm and put a thermacare thing on it that's been on there all day, helping to keep the muscles relaxed and warm.
Argh! I just found out that this didn't post the other day!  Dangit! I had to go back and rescue a saved draft.  Now I don't remember what i was saying after this point, so I'm just going to post my vlogs and I will catch up with y'all later!
Day 22:

Day 23:

As always, hello to my fellow challengers and much love to Leah!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So this was a hard weekend, diet-wise, for me.  All you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster, All you can eat sushi at Sushi Katsu and a fruit roll up that was surprisingly irresistable.  It's that time of the month again... ladies, YOU know what I'm talking about... and I'm craving chocolate like a crack addict craves a rock.  Seriously!  I don't know how much longer I can resist and Chelsea, you were right, those Granola crisp things are great but not cutting it... chocolate-wise.  I'm exhausted and I did not get my full workout done today.  I got maybe two thirds of the way through it and then Ninny woke up full on crying, which is NOT like her.  Seriously, she is quite possibly the happiest baby girl alive... 90% of the time and she sleeps like a dog, so for her to wake up full on crying inconsolably was very highly unusual and disturbing.  It took me a full 30 minutes of holding her and rocking her and walking with her to get her back to sleep and even then I had to put her down in my bed.  Don't worry, once she was good and out again, I put her back in her crib.  Anyway, the much belated vlog for day 20:

and day 21, also known as the incomprehensible vlog:

Woot Woot! If you're with us, keep going, if not... why not?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I wrote a whole big blog yesterday and thought I posted it but when I looked today, it turned out it didn't post.  Crud.  Anyway, Saturday and Sunday I was super busy with school, I had a lab, tests, discussions and a paper all due either Saturday or Sunday.  Wow!  So glad it's over!  One more week of my accelerated class and then life settles down a little bit.  At that point I only have three classes (instead of four) right up through December.  Woot Woot!  Life is good.  Busy but good. Thanks everybody for listening, reading and watching.  If I really have inspired anybody, I'm glad and I hope you find your motivation and keep gong with this because it's worth it and SO ARE YOU!
And the vlog:

Keep on doing it!  I have faith in all of us, we can do this!  We can succeed!  Solidarity!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


So, like 1/3 of the people that watch my video logs are actually reading my blog, so I've decided to blog every other day instead of every day.  I may change my mind later but for now, well, there ya go.
   Yesterday was a great day!  I did a 40 minute workout that kicked my butt but I felt very accomplished about it. Okay, so technically it was a 44 minute workout but I kept up with at least 40 minutes of it.  Then I found a groovy cool recipe for pumpkin soup that I'm going to try ( http://www.thinandhealthy.com/blog/2009/10/fall-flavors-for-weight-loss-fresh-pumpkin-soup-recipe/) and thank you to Dawn Sandomeno for putting it on her blog and for following me on Twitter!  Anyway, without further ado, here are the vlogs for the 16th and 17th.  I hope you enjoy!

That's the 16th... and then there came the 17th:

Oh wait... day 17, that's still today... ish.  I also had a friend over for dinner, but I'll do a special blog on that tomorrow or Sunday...
One thing that did occur to me, however, is this:  When you look at the food your child left on his or her plate and you contemplate eating it yourself so as not to let it go to waste, just remember, your body can only use so much fuel, anything after that point is going to waste... so it's either going to waste in the trash can or it's going to waste on your waist.
Anyway, have a great night and we'll talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, I'm doing my dancing workout this morning and I start to think to myself...
     You know who I miss?  Richard Simmons.  That queer SOB understood that some of us are just starting out and we can't bounce and wiggle and jump and bippity bop our fat asses all around the house.  some of us have size 46F boobs that HURT when you bounce them and it's HARD to find a sports bra that A. fits and B. actually keeps huge boobs immobile.  Ya know?  I'm just saying.  Jillian whatever her name is has a good thing going with Biggest Loser and all but he was supportive, not mean.  He encouraged, he didn't get mad at people and it worked.  You know what else that buggar had?  Fat women working out with him.  Not those skinny women that none of us that are working out really look like.
     I was told today that I'm inspiring people.  I don't know if that's true or not and to be brutally honest, whether I am or not, it's not going to change my travel plans.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think that I am helping people, but realistically, I'm doing this to improve my life and even if nobody else comes along for the ride, I'm still going to take my journey.  Be that as it may, I'd love it if YOU would come along.  If you ARE out there and you are reading this, tell me.  Leave a comment, you can do it anonymously.  Tell me what you're doing in your life.  Hell, just tell me a story.  I don't care.  It would just be nice to know that somebody is out there, with me.
     Big Hugs and lots of love, people. 

See you tomorrow!


Okay folks!  Yesterday I had issues getting into blogger and a sick baby to contend with, so no blog yesterday, but I did do a video log:

Found a GREAT new workout that is only fifteen minutes long but Good Gods did it make me sweat bullets!
I got back on track yesterday and it was good.

Today, I am a WORKOUT NINJA!  I did my fifteen minute dancing workout this morning and then again this evening, based on a theory that if I workout and shower before bed I might sleep better.  So yes, I did TWO workouts today because I am a bad@ss workout ninja!  Ninny watched me do the second workout and in the middle thought it would be great to watch me workout from between my feet.  So I danced her over to the couch so that she could watch without getting us both killed.
We had eggs this morning for breakfast, thank the Gods.  I just don't know what else to have for breakfast.  I need to work on that.  The oatmeal is okay but it gets old and we can't do eggs every morning.  Any ideas?
I made an awesome dish for supper, details are at the end of the video log but it had chicken, asparagus, yellow squash, zucchini, sweet onion and red peppers along with whole wheat rigatoni, basil, balsamic, garlic, paprika and cayenne pepper.  I mixed in some generic white sauce, just a bit, I looked and it was 1/2 cup for the whole pot and sprinkled about a tablespoon of Italian cheese mix on top.  Heavenly. Lots of veggies, whole wheat carbs and about 10g of fat.  Not too shabby.
I welcome questions, comments and suggestions from anyone out there.  What's worked for you?  What hasn't?  Who inspires you to do bigger, better things with your life?  If you could change something in your life, what would you change?  Why haven't you done it yet?  If you're watching, reading, following along at all, talk to me, tell me what you're thinking.  If you're going to be mean, however, at least be funny.  When I say funny, I mean funny that everyone gets, not just you.  Run it past a friend first, see if they laugh.

Son of a biscuit eater!  I hit publish post then got up, got a glass of water and went to bed.  Turns out it didn't post last night!  Argh!  For the love of freaking computers! Let's try this again...
If you're reading this, please leave me a comment!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Okay, so mostly today I rested.  I'm still not 100% but so that I wouldn't beat myself up, I did do an abbreviated workout.  I did a fifteen minute pilates workout and kept up pretty well, except for that whole find your balance point and rock thing.  I also discovered that my Netflix has a whole boatload of workout videos.  So, I plopped the ones that seemed to be the most fun and/or easiest onto my queue.  Okay, I'm totally typing in my sleep at this point, I'm exhausted and I just typed prisoner for some reason that made sense to my subconscious but it didn't make any sense to me.  Anyway, I'm off to go reclaim my position in my own bed from a 21 month old sick baby,  Good night!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I feel like crap today.  Either I'm coming down with something or eating pizza after a week and a half of eating properly has thrown my body off kilter.  Either way, I have tried six times to do my workout and all six times I have failed because of having to run to the bathroom.  I am not one to admit defeat easily but I think today is going to be a forced day off.  I just made attempt number six and it's almost 10:30 at night.  I suck today and pizza is very definitely NOT in my dining repertoire any longer, no matter how clever I think I am with the saving up the cabs and fat.  It was NOT clever and I feel like sh*t today.
Whether I'm sick because of the pizza or I'm sick because I'm coming down with something, either way I feel like a damn failure today because I can't get one thirty minute workout in.  I totally feel like I've let myself down.
The good news is that I can learn from my mistakes and not make them, or worse related ones, again.  If this is what pizza, which in the grand scheme of fast food items is not that bad, does to me, just IMAGINE what would happen if I tried to eat McDonald's or GodsForbidTacoBell!  I think they just might kill me.
So chalk today up to Hell on Earth and leave it at that.
Oh and for those of you wondering if Leah is still around, the answer to that is an emphatic yes.  She's getting busier and busier everyday but she's still around.  Very stand up gal, she is.  Classy, intelligent, kind, well spoken and real.  All that and she's gorgeous, too. 
Gotta love her!

Short, sweet and to the point video log today, I feel like crap and I wanna go to bed.
Night everybody, see you tomorrow!

Friday, October 1, 2010


     I made it to the double digits!!!  So we celebrated reaching double digits by eating almost zero carbs all day (except some berries) and we had a building neighbor party.  We ordered pizza and watched The Spy Next Door.  I thought I had prepared for having pizza by keeping my caloric intake so low all day and keeping my carbs super low.  The thing is, I don't think celebrating a diet accomplishment with crappy food is the right thing to do.  It just didn't FEEL like I was celebrating.  It kind of felt a little like I was backpaddling.  I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting but I don't think pizza is in my edible future anymore.  Oh well.  I think I can say that I have eaten enough pizza in my lifetime, so it's not like it's something I've missed out on.
     I have had 36 years of eating whatever I wanted and I have the extra weight to prove it.  I need to remember that if I'm going to change my life, I need to change my thinking about things as well.  This is totally uncharted territory for me but I think for the next 30 odd years I'm going to do the opposite.  I'm going to eat for fuel more so than flavor.  At least for a while.  I've tasted all of the unhealthy foods (pretty much) that are available in the world.  I've tried everything and now it's time to try being healthy; looking and feeling good in my own skin.
     The point is, I think I made a mistake yesterday by rewarding myself with food.  I think next time I will reward myself with a nice, hot bubble bath and a book AWAY from Ninny.  Or reward myself with a trip to the movies or the museum and ask my neighbor to watch Ninny for me... Or maybe I'll reward myself with a trip to Tattered cover.  That's how my mom used to reward me when I was a kid... worked then, just might work now!
     Anyway, lesson learned.  See you tomorrow.