Well, this is the end of day three. It was a busy day, full of visitors and laundry and a workout that only had to be paused once for catching up purposes. That, in and of itself, is amazing because when I forgot to set the alarm, I woke up the way I have been waking up for the nearly two years. I awoke to the sounds of Ephiny hollering for me to let her out of her crib. Yes, although she's almost two, she still resides in a crib, at least until my sister gets up the gumption to bring the twin bed over from her boyfriend's music room. She's had it there since Paul gave me his old Queen bed and I no longer needed it for myself. Thing is, once she has a big girl bed, she's going to be able to get up and out of bed on her own and I'm really going to have to be on my toes and be up before she is. Anyway, I digress.
I had basically the same thing for breakfast today that I had yesterday, however I am going to have to figure something else out for tomorrow because that egg/spinach/onion combo gave me about the worst "peel the paint off the walls" gas of my life. Worse, I think (maybe) than when I kept eating those giant roasted elephant garlic bulbs and that gas almost made me cry, let alone what it did to Lisa and Ally. Sorry guys.
Anyhow, for lunch I had a turkey sandwich on multigrain bread and for dinner I George Foreman'd a burger with 5 steak fries and half a cup of corn. We did eat kind of late (8:30pm) but I have to remember that this is a work in progress and I can't expect to change everything overnight.
One thing I did do today that I'm proud of is that I got rid of all of my pastaroni side dishes when I read their ingredients and found that a key ingredient in all of them was SODIUM. I drank a boatload of water today but still haven't made it out for my walk. I need to get out and walk again.
I'm beginning to worry that I'm becoming a shut in. I need to force myself to get out of the house every day in order to combat this tendency. Anybody want to volunteer to walk with me?
Anyway, third day in a row and Leah is still being supportive. I'm beginning to wonder how long she'll be there to help push me forward.
I know she's a busy person, especially with her new show coming up next month (The Talk on CBS starting October 18th around 1 or 2 pm) and I have the utmost respect for her. I am grateful for her support for as long as I have it. Not that you'll ever read this, but thanks Leah.
Now then, as promised... My V log for today:
Take care, sleep well and we'll see you tomorrow!
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